Saturday, December 13, 2008

BadgeBunnies is not a dirty word

My name is Lisa, and I'm a badge bunny. I don't date married cops, i just happen to like men in uniform. I have been dating a cop for almost 3-4 years elusively, he is not married and neither an I. I just happen to like a man in uniform, the same way men like strippers and girls who dress slutty. I have never dated a cop who was already married (except in my early 20's, you get over that fast.)

The phrase Badge bunny has a lot of taboo attached to it. Sure, there are the bunnies that fuck every cop they know, but most are not like this. We like to look. It's time to take the word and turn it into something less vulgar. Just liking a man in uniform is no crime.

Checkout forums for more info.

Sassy ( administrator)